Revelation in Jesus Christ (Part II)
As previously discussed, the entire Bible is the revelation of Jesus Christ and identifies itself as the inspired Word of God. “All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work” (II Timothy 3:16,17). Furthermore, “holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit” (II Peter 1:21). The origin of Scripture is almighty God. The Greek word for “inspiration” literally means “God breathed.”
Jesus always affirmed the authority of Scripture in His earthly ministry. This was in contradistinction with rabbis of His day who placed the emphasis on oral tradition. Jesus gave a familiar refrain strongly advocating Scripture, “Have you not read?” (Matthew 12:3,5; 19:4; 21:16; 21:42; 22:31)(Mark 2:25; 12:10; 12:26)(Luke 6:3). Jesus’ resounding use of Old Testament Scripture not only supports its divine origin but also its historicity. His sermons were filled with references to Old Testament characters, such as Eden’s first couple, Noah, Abraham, Moses, David, Jonah and places like Sodom. Jesus reminded his listeners, “For assuredly, I say to you, till heaven and earth pass away, one jot or one tittle will by no means pass from the law till all is fulfilled” (Matthew 5:18).
The Bible is a supernatural book and manifest attributes unseen in books of solely human origin. The Bible’s great continuity over many centuries, through several languages, with dozens of authors is an amazing demonstration of God’s inspiration alive on the pages. Its many stories, teachings, poetry, and wisdom give a comprehensive and cohesive vision of humanity’s spiritual need of redemption.
The Scriptures also reveal the confirmation of God’s message through miraculous deeds and events. The purpose of miracles was to substantiate the proclamations of God’s messengers. Mark reveals, “And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs” (Mark. 16:20). Moreover, “God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit, according to His own will? (Hebrews 2:4) God promised Moses that his leadership and prophetic voice would be aided by God’s intervening acts, “Then it will be, if they do not believe you, nor heed the message of the first sign, that they may believe the message of the latter sign” (Exodus 4:8). Jesus and His apostles were recognized as messengers of God because of their miraculous deeds wrought through the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:22, 43). The Biblical zenith of miraculous activity is the life of Jesus. No other Biblical character displays the grand scope, frequency, and staggering power of our Lord with His inevitable triumphant resurrection.
The Bible also showcases God’s handiwork through the prophetic writings. God is sovereign over time and not bound by its constraints. The prophets were able to accurately predict events, people, outcomes that were in dark distant centuries. R.S. Foster remarks on the uniqueness of the Bible’s prophetic faculty, “No well-accredited prophecy is found in any other book or even oral tradition now extant, or that has ever been extant in the world. The oracles of heathenism are not to be classed as exceptions. There is not a single one of them that meets the tests required to prove supernatural agency, which every Scripture prophecy envices.” (Foster 1923) We also need to understand that prophecy is bifurcated between unconditioned and conditioned. The conditional prophecies were reliant on human activity such as Israel’s fidelity to Yahweh.
Just as God’s supernatural activity is crowned in Jesus’ life through myriads of powerful miracles, so it is also with prophecy. Here is just a sample of the hundreds of prophecies concerning Jesus, fulfilled in his day: birthplace (Micah 5:2), descendent of David (II Samuel 7:12), crucifixion and burial (Psalms 22, Isaiah 53), resurrection (Psalms 16:10). These prophecies and many more authenticate the Bible as more than a book of human invention but of divine origin.
The teachings of Jesus also reveal a supernatural character. His preaching was astonishingly authoritative and identifies Himself over the Torah. In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus emphatically says, “But I say unto you,” while referring to the law. Jesus declares of Himself, “Lord of the Sabbath” and before Abraham was, “I Am” (Matthew 5: 22, Luke 6:1-5, John 8:48- 59). The sublime ethics of Christ exceeds behavior and confronts the very heart of humanity for transformation. Jesus’ teachings on the inner life such as hate, lust, love, and forgiveness are matchless, and love is even extended to enemies! The exalted teachings are counter to perennial culture and what comes natural to any of us, thus divine.
The Bible has endured through the centuries despite violence and the highest scrutiny. It has not just survived but has amazing relevance for every generation. It answers the deepest questions and gives hopeful consolation to our most painful struggles. It consistently is the most sold book every year and billions have been printed. Jesus was right once again when He said, “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” (Matthew 24:35).